How can students learn from WhatsApp groups in 2024?
In this digital era, computer technology plays a significant role in students’ lives. The usage of computer technology platforms like WhatsApp has made it easy to communicate and negotiate with others. Initially, WhatsApp was a messaging app, but with time, many useful features have been introduced. WhatsApp group chat is a very beneficial and cost-free feature for students to learn, share knowledgeable materials and communicate with teachers and students.
Purposes of WhatsApp Groups for Students
The main purposes of WhatsApp Groups for students are to increase collaboration, enhance the ability to work and be a good source of communication between students, teachers and parents. Students can learn from WhatsApp groups in different ways.
➤ Collaboration and teamwork
➤ Instant teacher-student communication
➤ Quick Updates and notifications
➤ Sharing study material and resources
➤ Good sense of communication
➤ Accessibility of resources
➤ Parent-teacher communication
➤ Easy learning at home

1. Collaboration and teamwork
WhatsApp enhances the ability to collaborate with students with other fellow students. Students remain engaged with other students in order to discuss project ideas, study-based group discussions and group assignments and also learn how to work together in discipline. Good collaboration also strengthens teamwork ability.
Sometimes, students can’t meet physically for study-related discussions or project discussions, but WhatsApp makes it easier. Now, students can do real time discussions with WhatsApp easily. It will increase the social connectivity of students and develop moral values among them.
2. Instant teacher-student communication
WhatsApp gives the advantage of instant teacher-student communication. If a student has a study related confusion or a problem or a question, they can take guidance by communicating with the teacher instantly. It creates a good bond between teacher and student. Students can seek help and guidance in a mannered way from teachers at any time. This connection gives support and self confidence to students. Students should behave well in this communication.
3. Quick updates and notifications
Teachers can use Educational WhatsApp groups to alert students with quick updates and notifications related to studies like assignments, deadlines, reminders about upcoming class tests and exams, changes in class schedule or study plans, news related to events, holidays and reminders about co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
4. Sharing study materials and resources
WhatsApp is a useful source of sharing study materials and resources for students and teachers. Teachers can share study materials with students, like knowledgeable notes, articles and educational videos to enhance the knowledge levels of students. Moreover, students can also share PDFs, notes, presentations, documents and relevant educational information with their classmates in order to help them.
5. Good sense of communication
WhatsApp groups create a good sense of communication between teachers and students. An environment of virtual class can be formed where students can communicate with teachers in a mannered way and they can share their queries related to studies without any hesitation and teachers can solve all of their queries with proper guidance and solutions.
Moreover, teachers can organize a class and communicate with students at any time with the feature of video calls. If they can’t manage a class via video call, they can send detailed lectures by voice message in the study. Students can share their opinions and thoughts related to the lectures.
6. Accessibility of resources
In this digital age, It has become very easy to get access through smartphones. If a student is out of the city for some reason and cannot take books with them, there is no problem for students; they can remain in touch with teachers and group members from anywhere same like they can have their textbooks and guide books from Guide Plus.
Moreover, they can also get access to study material like notes, articles, lectures, documents, PDFs, multimedia slides and educational videos. There will be no loss of study.
7. Parent-Teacher communication
WhatsApp study groups are a good place for parent-teacher communication. Parents can communicate with teachers in order to get monthly updates about their children. They can get reports of student progress in study, attendance and their behavior. Parental involvement in children’s education is good. Whenever they want support, parents will support them.
Moreover, parents can also keep an eye on the social activities of their children. Teachers can conduct meetings via video calls in WhatsApp groups for those parents who cannot attend meetings physically.
8. Easy learning at home
WhatsApp study groups provide easy learning at home, which is free of cost and time-saving. Students can remain engaged with their studies at home. There is no need to waste time going outside and buying books physically. Everything you want, you will get it from your classmates easily. You can clear your doubts by discussing it in the group.